Thursday, November 28, 2019

DebateGood morning/afternoon. The topic of our deb Essays

DebateGood morning/afternoon. The topic of our debate is that we need to pay more interested in politics. We, the negative believe this statement is false. The second affirmative speaker has tried to tell you thatThis is wrong because.Our first speaker has already stated that students will have better results if they do a subject they enjoy, There are other subjects that are just as important as politics and that There needs to be more of a balance in the workforce.Today I will be talking to you about how you don't need to pay too much attention to politics, the opportunities that will be missed if you continue to immerse yourself in politics and how much happier you could potentially be by not spending too much time following politics. The governance of our country is important. Politicians determine policies that effect our quality of life and standard of living and how tax payer money is spent. They run important institutions like hospitals and schools and courts. But, really, the average citizen does not have much say in these things. The area where we do have influence is over which party is in power. I am talking about your right to vote. In Australia an average election campaign goes on for 8 to 10 weeks. My argument to you today is that we don't have to pay attention to politics all the time. If we pay attention just some of the time during an election campaign, then this will be adequate to fulfil our democratic duty and vote for the politicians that are willing to handle all that boring stuff for us, so we can get on with our lives and have fun. In reality you only need to pay attention to parts of the campaign and then you can occasionally slip in the odd Netflix show or go out with your friends, in order to keep your brain sane from all that political talk. The best way to do this is to watch the news. The news gives you a brief outlining of political information, exposing you to enough politics that you won't be extremely bored by it. The news is o nly on for a certain amount of time, which can help you from overloading with politics.Imagine that you are sitting on the couch with your bowl of popcorn and you turn on the tv to watch the campaign, you watch it for hours, soaking in as much information as possible. Is that the way you want to live your life? I don't think so. Think of all the opportunities, missed. All the things you could do instead of watching politics. All the exercise, all the money you could be making, all the people you could be meeting and all the fun you could be having.The problems faced by our Politicians are big. They have to deal with war, poverty, illegal immigration and natural disasters. Seriously, if all you did all day, everyday was look at the political progress made on these critical issues you would likely become manic depressive. The alternative is to focus your energy on more positive pursuits and maintain your mental health, so when it is time to cast your all-important vote you can do so w ith a clear head and happy heart. So instead of paying more interest in politics you should pay more interest in yourself and your well being.

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