Monday, January 6, 2020

Business Management - 617 Words

LDS 404: Leadership and Change Sessions FY 2012-13 Instructor Name Len Chapman Phone Number(s) Office: 800.888.862.9950, X1514 Cell: 916.616.3310 Email Course Description The course focuses on how leaders use and apply change theories to craft and execute strategic management decisions. The course introduces best practices for leading and implementing change that addresses: leader / follower relations, their effect on corporate culture, employee resistance to change, and methods to assure that change will be successful. Learning Outcomes and Competencies University Outcome II – Critical and Creative Thinking: Competency # 4 – Integrate one’s own ideas with those of others to†¦show more content†¦It is clear what the paper sets out to do. The paper is consistent with the learning outcomes and competencies. Uses readings to specifically address how to effectively implement change in complex organizational structures. Have a coherent argumentative structure in the body of the text to support its thesis. Engage with the theories, book, and articles of the session through specific discussion of particular passages or quotes. The paper suggests very close reading of its sources. Demonstrate an understanding of the nuances of each theory or text being discussed. Critically examine claims made by authors rather than summarizing Demonstrate some measure or originality or thoughtfulness of interpretation (the ability to think for oneself) Demonstrate mastery of APA writing style and formatting guidelines correctly citing sources within the paper and in the reference section. Assignment Value Final Course Paper– 40% Midterm Paper– 20% Reflection Papers- 40 % Final Deadline For All Work The learner must submit all work by the last day of the session. Extensions are granted at the instructors discretion, but only if the learner has already submitted at least two of the required assignments. Furthermore, learners will be granted an extension only if it has been requested before the end of the session. Material received after the end of the session will not be graded, if no extension was granted. Refer toShow MoreRelatedBusiness Marketing Management : Business Management1077 Words   |  5 PagesGross Ms. Jessica Madinger Comp 101 C 9 November 2015 Business Marketing Management Outline Business has several majors to seek, such as: Accounting, Economics, Administration, Marketing, International business, Entrepreneurship, and lastly Management. A business degree has many of opportunities. This paper is going to specifically focus on Management which you can get a minor in marketing, which would be called marketing management. Management has several classes to can take, and several of careersRead MoreBusiness Management Analysis Essays992 Words   |  4 PagesJuly, 2006 and is advised by doctors to reduce stress significantly in daily routine. 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