Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Consequences Of Characters In William Shakespeares...

Set during the middle ages, William Shakespeare’s tragic drama Hamlet recounts the exploits of a young and enigmatic prince as he seeks to avenge the murder of his father, the King of Denmark. Prince Hamlet, overcome with feelings of anger and grief, embarks on a mission to kill Claudius, his uncle and successor to the Danish throne, whom he believes killed the Danish patriarch. Emotionally damaged by his father’s death and betrayed by those he loves, Hamlet becomes overwhelmed with anguish and sorrow, rendering him unable to demonstrate kindness or compassion toward others. As a first example, Hamlet, consumed by anger after the end of his romance with Ophelia, fails to realize Polonius may have gone to such drastic extremes in†¦show more content†¦. . / your wantonness (your) ignorance’ † (3.1.155-8). Overcome by a broken heart, Hamlet suggests Ophelia employs makeup as a means to conceal her real persona, a method to lure men under the guise of innocence. No doubt, the Prince’s biting remark expresses a lack of empathy for Ophelia’s discontent but also reflects his internal chaos, rendering him unable to reflect upon her circumstances and only able to contemplate his own. As the play unfolds, Shakespeare continues to emphasize Hamlet’s misogynistic attitude as the loyal son reprimands Gertrude for hastily marrying Claudius after the King’s death. Admonishing his mother, the distraught young man springs into a tirade, scolding her for â€Å"Such an act / That blurs the grace and blush of modesty, / . . . makes marriage vows / As false as dicers’ oaths. . . / Heaven’s face. . . Is thought-sick at the act† (3.4.50-60). Never considering how the emotional impact of Old Hamlet’s death may have impacted her, Hamlet belittles Gertrude for a lack of scruples in her decision to remarry. By neglecting to consider possibilities for the queen’s erratic behavior, Hamlet discounts her emotional condition as his mental instability and plan of vengeance overpowers any inclination toward compassion. Another case of Hamlet’s self-absorption occurs at the fatal expense of his friends from University of Wittenberg, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Certainly, given their shared history, the menShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Longing For Revenge1304 Words   |  6 Pagesfor Revenge William Shakespeare was born in England in April of 1564 and was an English poet and playwright . Shakespeare is universally known as the greatest writer in the English language. Shakespeare frequently produced tragedies that are continuously acted out today, along with many plays and sonnets.. Although Shakespeare is seen today as a great writer who changed the world, his reputation did not rise to these heights until around the 19th century. 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